Choosing Between a Weighted or Pressure Vest
Children with sensory challenges may be overly sensitive to touch, movement, sights or sounds. Other students have trouble with self-regulation that may impact focus, attention and behavior. Pressure...
View ArticleWhere Should a Multi-Sensory Environment Live in Your School?
A bubble wall murmurs steadily while hanging egg chairs provide a quiet space to listen or work. Ambient lighting choreographed with music allows a display of patterns on an otherwise dreary wall...
View ArticleField Day: Inclusion for All Students
Field Day is one of the most exciting events in a school year, and often a favorite event for teachers and students alike. A whole day dedicated to having fun and participating in physical activity is...
View ArticleBenefits and Uses of Positioning Wedges and Rolls
Children with more severe/profound intellectual disabilities and/or those with orthopedic impairments should have a classroom alternate positioning plan in place. Supportive wedges, rolls and other...
View ArticleChoosing the Right Swing for Students with Special Needs
Accurately processing vestibular information is key to properly using vision, preparing posture, maintaining balance, planning actions, moving, calming down and regulating behavior. Occupational and...
View ArticleIncluding More Neurodiversity in Your Classroom Library
Neurodiversity is defined as the idea that neurological differences between people (like autism and ADHD) are the result of normal, natural variations in human genetics. This new way of looking at...
View ArticleTools & Tips for Students with Language & Communication Challenges
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month. The American Speech & Hearing Association ( has designated this year’s theme of Communication Across the Lifespan. What a beautiful message to...
View ArticleDexterity & Handwriting Tools to Help with Cursive Practice
Cursive requires the use of fine motor skills and practicing those skills is an important part of learning to write. Not only are there specialized tools to help improve handwriting and cursive...
View ArticleWhat is a Sensory Room: 4 Specialized Environments to Consider
Sensory Rooms can mean different things to different professionals and the children or students that will be using the rooms. Consider these four different specialized environments you can create to...
View ArticleHow Choice in Seating Helps Meet Diverse Learning Needs
Educators know their students have very diverse learning needs, and most are well versed in designing learning experiences that are universally inclusive. But while schools have become fairly adept at...
View ArticleThis Simple Strategy Can Increase Student Engagement for All Learners
In any classroom, there are always at least a few students who just can’t sit still. They’re constantly fidgeting, or twisting in their seat, or rocking their chair back and forth—and all the while,...
View ArticleLighting and Acoustics Play a Key Role in Creating Inclusive Classrooms....
With an estimated 7 million students having special learning needs and one in 59 diagnosed on the autism spectrum, educators have to meet very diverse learning needs to create inclusive classrooms in...
View ArticleShhh! Here’s a Secret to Help You Create More Inclusive Learning Environments
As we’ve noted before, students who have sensory processing disorders can be overly sensitive to certain classroom stimuli, such as touch, lights, and sounds. For these students, being able to focus...
View ArticleThe #1 In-Home Strategy for Your Child with Special Needs
Kudos to the teachers and school districts that have rapidly shifted from onsite and classroom education to home and remote learning options. We salute your creativity, flexibility, and ferocity in...
View ArticleFine Motor Tools for Home Use: Occupational Therapist Recommended!
School-based and private Occupational Therapists (OT) often work on the go with little equipment or space, so they usually have a “to-go and go-to” bag of sensorimotor tools. As therapists, we are...
View ArticleAt-Home Learning Tips for Children with Special Needs
With remote learning on the rise, Special Education Teachers and Related Service Providers, as well parents/guardians, are rapidly shifting and adjusting learning options for children with special...
View ArticleThe Art of Purposeful Activity for These Turbulent Times
As a veteran Occupational Therapist (OT), I was classically trained to use arts and crafts as therapeutic modalities for healing. Woodworking, ceramics, leatherwork, copper tooling, tile mosaics,...
View ArticleSensory Rooms May Help Ease the Anxiety Students Feel from COVID-19
Sensory rooms are quickly becoming an important element of learning space design, and for good reason: They can prove to be effective at helping students with anxiety or sensory processing issues to...
View Article5 Helpful Hints for Dealing with Communication Challenges During Remote Learning
Many students with special needs have issues with communication challenges. Broken down basically, there can be issues with: A speech disorder – This can include articulation issues like not being...
View ArticleConsiderations for Inclusive Outdoor Learning Environments
Current events have shifted traditional educational models to encompass a variety of options including virtual sites like at home or small learning pods, as well as in-person classroom models with...
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